Among the most significant and spiritual sites in Ho Chi Minh City is the Mariamman Hindu Temple, also known as “Chùa Bà Ấn”. It is said that the shrine possesses magical properties. Its prime downtown location and distinctive interior and exterior design make it stand out.

Locals and tourists alike will flock to the pagoda—not only Indians—to seek solace from the city’s constant din, marvel at the building’s breathtaking beauty, gain a deeper understanding of Mariamman’s worship, and offer prayers for good health and wealth. Ho Chi Minh City is home to people from all over the world, and the city’s extensive history of religious buildings like pagodas, temples, and churches is a reflection of that diversity.

Mariamman Hindu Temple (Chùa Bà Ấn) is one of the spiritual attractions in Ho Chi Minh City

1. Where is the Mariamman Hindu Temple?

Location: No. 45 Truong Dinh, District 1. It is about 240m from Ben Thanh Market.

How to get there:

  • Taxi or Grab: Booking a taxi or using an app like Grab is easy. Going straight to the temple in this way is a fast option.
  • Motorbike: Renting a motorbike or using a motorbike service is a popular choice (You can rent a motorbike near your hotel, the price for renting a motorbike from 100,000 – 150,000 VND daily). It allows you to navigate the city traffic efficiently. If you use personal transportation, it also has a parking lot for motorbikes and not for cars.
  • Bus: Look for buses heading towards District 1, you can catch the buses number of 44 or 105 (with the cheap price of about 5,000 – 10,000 VND/trip) From the bus stop, you may need to walk a short distance to the temple.
  • Walking: If you’re staying nearby, walking is a pleasant way to explore the city and reach the temple.

Opening Hours: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM from Monday to Sunday

Ticket price: Free

2. General information and the history of the Mariamman Hindu Temple


The goddess Mariamman, a Hindu goddess renowned for bringing abundant harvests, rich land, and favorable weather, is worshipped in the Indian temple. The goddess Mariamman is portrayed in Hinduism as a stunning woman with many arms, signifying limitless strength, and a red face and garments. The goddess Mariamman is frequently depicted in statue form, with one hand holding a trident and the other a bowl of rice.

The architecture of the temple is replete with motifs that show the goddess Mariamman

The pagoda attracts a lot of people in addition to worshippers, who come to provide many offerings such as rice, fruits, incense, and cooking oil. This place is really perfect for experiencing a spiritual space in the middle of a busy city. You can come here to pray for wealth, love, career, success, and luck.


The Mariamman Temple was constructed in the beginning of the 20th century by Indian immigrants, and it is devoted to the goddess Mariamman, who is regarded for her curative abilities and protection against many maladies. The rich legacy and spiritual traditions of the Tamil minority in Vietnam are on display at the temple, which serves as a memorial to these traditions. The Mariamman Hindu Temple was estimated to be around a century old. The temple is now one of the most well-known spiritual centers in Ho Chi Minh City since it has managed to preserve its original, historic architecture over time. Additionally, a significant number of pilgrims and tourists visit this site every day.

3. What makes this temple special?

The Mariamman Temple is well known for its vibrant sculptures and spectacular architecture. The intricate carvings and vivid hues reflect the deep devotion of its worshippers and offer a visual feast for visitors. There is a strong sense of spirituality throughout the temple, enhanced by the melodious chanting and the aroma of burning incense.

The temple’s U-shaped layout, which is typical of Hinduism, includes the main shrine area where the goddess Mariamman is worshipped, flanked by the guardians Maduraiveeran and Pechiamman. Eighteen statues of variously styled gods line the wall, representing the aspirations of the populace.

The goddess of luck and happiness is worshipped at the revered Indian Lady Temple. As a result, many individuals bring offerings here each year. They have selected a wide range of rich and varied offerings, including many different things like rice, fruit, incense, and cooking oil. All of these goods are available for purchase at the temple’s front gate; guests can make offerings here in order to properly prepare before making a pilgrimage.

The main shrine of the Mariamman Hindu Temple

This is designed in a U-shape, typical of Hinduism

Mariamman Fire Sacrifice

The Mariamman fire sacrifice is among the most significant religious rites performed at the Indian temple. Twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., there is this sacrifice.

Hindu priests prepare the appropriate items for the offering before beginning the sacrifice. Rice, fruits, incense, cooking oil, and other things are among these. After that, the priests would say prayers and carry out the sacrificial rites.

The priests will light a tiny altar with fire during the most significant portion of the sacrifice. They will then keep saying prayers while dousing the fire with alcohol. The priests will utilise the fire to burn the sacrificed objects after they are kindled.

The belief among those who make the sacrifice is that happiness and blessings will come from obtaining the fire of Agni from this offering. You will learn more about Hindu culture and religion from this unique and fascinating experience, which also gives you additional chances to connect with your beliefs and concentrate on spiritual principles.

Sacrificial offerings are displayed in front of the altar of the goddess Mariamman

4. Tips you need to know before visiting the Mariamman Hindu Temple

  • Dress politely: Since the temple is a place of worship, it is necessary that you participate in the sacrifice ceremony while wearing polite clothing.
  • Do not take pictures or videos in the worship area: Since this is a holy space, you should not take pictures or videos there.
  • Obey the temple’s rules: In order to preserve the seriousness of this significant ceremony, you must obey the temple’s rules when taking part in the sacrifice ceremony.

One of the most well-known spiritual tourist attractions in Ho Chi Minh City is the “Chùa Bà Ấn”. The temple is a unique piece of Indian-inspired architecture as well as a hallowed site of worship for Hindus. I think you will not miss the chance to appreciate the distinct cultural charm of India by stopping by this temple in Saigon.